5 Things You Must Know If You Suspect a Thyroid Problem
If you suspect a thyroid problem, you need to know a few things to be able to manage the issues. Here is a list of the things to know. The thyroid is a gland present at the bottom of the neck that produces the thyroid hormone. This butterfly-shaped body organ has a major role to play in several bodily functions. An imbalance in thyroid hormone can affect the heart rate, metabolism, weight, energy levels, and more. If you suspect that you have a thyroid problem, given below are the things you need to know.
#1 Significant weight changes with the same habits
Unexplained and significant weight changes could be due to hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). In the case of hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland will produce excess thyroxine leading to a faster metabolism and weight loss. On the other hand, if the body cannot produce sufficient thyroxine, it is called hypothyroidism and the metabolism slows down leading to weight gain. In both cases, you should consult the best thyroid doctor in Mumbai or at your preferred location.
#2 A significant change in appearance
Along with weight fluctuations, you should consider other changes in your appearance, such as brittle or weaker hair, irritated or thinning skin, joint inflammation, puffiness of the face, swelling below the neck, and dryness and redness of the skin. Do not dismiss these issues as skin problems. If the skin problems come with weight changes, it might be the time to get the thyroid istanbul escort bayan checked.
#3 You are tired and miserable
Hyperthyroidism might make it hard for you to sleep at night, which leads to fatigue. On the other hand, hypothyroidism creates a lack of thyroxine that depletes all energy from the body. In addition to that, both conditions lead to muscle weakness that makes the body feel worn down and tired. Your hormones not only impact the physical appearance, but also your mental wellness and overall mood. Expect to feel nervous, irritable, and anxious.
#4 You will feel either too cold or too hot
Hyperthyroidism leads to sensitivity to excess sweating and heat. On the other hand, a patient with hypothyroidism struggles to stay warm all the time. When the thyroid works properly, the cells produce thirty-five percent heat and the rest is energy. Hormonal changes make the body produce either excess heat or insufficient energy or vice versa. Weight also impacts the sensitivity of a body to heat. After all, the heavier you are, the hotter you will feel.
#5 Your periods are not being regular
You should see the best thyroid doctor in Mumbai if the periods are not regular. Thyroid problems affect the fertility and menstrual cycle. It is particularly true for hypothyroidism because deficient thyroxine makes it hard for the body to release the eggs that are necessary for ovulation, which impairs a woman’s ability to conceive. Miscarriage and preeclampsia are common problems for women having hypothyroidism.
The endnote
Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can both be treated with medicines that regulate the flow of the hormone. It cannot be cured for life, but the condition can show remarkable improvements under treatment.