AWS Live Project allows you to start working on an AWS project right away without having to build out your infrastructure or code by hand. It’s especially useful if you’re new to AWS and want to learn the basic functions of each service, and will save you time since you don’t have to wait for servers to be deployed or manually configure them before testing anything out. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to use Live Projects with full confidence in yourself as an AWS cloud computing professional.
Use Serverless Compute Services
First, you’ll need to create an Amazon EC2 instance. This will be your serverless computer service. You can use any type of instance you want, but we recommend using a t2.micro instance. After you’ve created your instance, you’ll need to create an Amazon S3 bucket. Your project files are stored here. Next, you’ll need to create a Lambda function.
This is the computer service that will run your code. You can use any language for your Lambda function, but we recommend using Node.js. After you’ve created your Lambda function, you’ll need to create an IAM role. This role will give your Lambda function the permissions it needs to access other AWS services.
Use Amazon CloudFront for Dynamic Content Delivery
If you’re looking to deliver dynamic content with low latency, Amazon CloudFront is a great option. Using Amazon CloudFront, you can cache content at edge locations around the world. When a user requests content that you’ve cached with CloudFront, they’ll be directed to the nearest edge location, which will provide them with the quickest possible response time.
Plus, Amazon CloudFront integrates with other Amazon Web Services, like Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3, making it easy to set up and manage your content delivery. If you want to see how Amazon CloudFront works in action, take a look at our tutorial on using Amazon CloudFront for Dynamic Content Delivery.
Automate Billing through Serverless Compute Services
When you first create an account with Amazon Web Services (AWS), you’re automatically signed up for the AWS Free Tier. This free tier gives you access to a range of services including Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3. You can use these services to create a live project that will automatically bill your credit card when someone accesses it. Here’s how
1) Select Create Serverless Compute Service from the dashboard
2) Select Live Projects from the sidebar
3) Name your service, then choose Serverless Compute as your service type
4) Choose pay-as-you-go pricing, then enter in a price point, such as $0.01/hour
5) Give this new service a name, such as My Serverless Compute Service
Monitor AWS Resources with Amazon CloudWatch
Amazon CloudWatch is a service to monitor resources and applications on AWS. You can use Amazon CloudWatch to collect and track metrics, collect and monitor log files, set alarms, and automatically react to changes in your AWS resources. Amazon CloudWatch can monitor AWS resources such as Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon DynamoDB tables, and Amazon RDS DB instances.
You can also use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your own custom metrics.
To use Amazon CloudWatch, you first create alarms that watch for specific thresholds in your metric data. When the threshold is breached, Amazon CloudWatch can send notifications or automatically make changes to the resources you are monitoring.
Debug Applications with Application Load Balancers
If you are debugging an application that is hosted on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Load Balancer (ELB), you can use an Application Load Balancer (ALB) to route traffic to a specific instance in your environment.
This will allow you to test changes to your application without affecting live traffic. You can also monitor the health of individual instances using the Amazon CloudWatch dashboard and create alarms for the instances if they are unhealthy. In addition, you can set up auto scaling groups so that when resources get tight, more resources are provisioned automatically.
Work with FTP Protocols
AWS Transfer for SFTP is a fully managed service that enables the transfer of files directly into and out of Amazon S3 using the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) also known as the SSH File Transfer Protocol. With AWS Transfer for SFTP, you can transfer files into Amazon S3 from any compatible SFTP client application.
The service also supports in-flight encryption of data with SSL/TLS and integration with IAM for granular access control. In this post, we’ll walk you through how to set up and use AWS Transfer for SFTP to transfer files into and out of Amazon S3.
Manage Data Using Glacier Storage Service
Glacier Storage Service is a cloud storage service that helps you manage data using lifecycle policies. You can create and manage lifecycle policies using the AWS Management Console. With Glacier Storage Service, you can archive data that you no longer need on a long-term basis, but still have access to it when you need it.
You can also use Glacier Storage Service to store data that you want to keep for compliance purposes. For example, if your company requires that you maintain seven years of emails then you would be able to store your emails in Glacier Storage Service so they are always available if needed.
Final Thought
In this post, we will cover the basics of how to create an AWS live project. We will start with creating a new account and working with the various services offered by AWS. We will then move on to designing our project. Finally, we will execute our project and take a look at the results. For now, let’s go ahead and get started!
1) Log in to your AWS Account: The first step is signing up for an account with Amazon Web Services. To do so, click on Sign Up and follow the prompts to create your account. Once you have logged in, you should see something like this a) Choose the country or region where you want to store your data b) Name your account c) Type in a password d) Verify that I agree to the AWS Service Agreement e) Click on Sign Up 2) Creating an IAM User: Next, we need to create a user that has access rights.
It’s important that only one person can log into this user (yourself). You can name it anything, but it needs to be an IAM User so that there are no other people logged into it and messing around with things.