
How to Get More Followers on Pinterest

There’s never been an ideal time to gain many buymalaysianfollowers more people following Pinterest.

With 367 million+ monthly active users and an abundance of new e-commerce tools to add to this mix Pinterest has rapidly become the preferred platform to increase the visibility of brands and sales.

In this blog we’ll go over the reasons why increasing the number of followers on your Pinterest account is a fantastic method, as well as our top 8 ways to get your followers numbers increasing!

Why Grow a Pinterest Following as a Business?

Pinterest may perhaps not be the only site that comes to mind when it comes to marketing for brands, but with a an increase of 28% in active monthly users between 2018 and 2019 it’s definitely something to keep an eye on.

Additionally it is true that the Pinterest population has more purchasing power than other social networks as 84 percent of weekly Pinners making use of the platform to guide their purchase choices.

The platform has reached 77% of women aged 25-54 in the US and as the worldwide earnings of women reach

the trillions in dollars women will be predicted to be in control of nearly 75% of all discretionary spending in 2028.

If you’re looking to connect with a network with a strong buying power, gaining your following on Pinterest is a good starting point.

Are you ready to upgrade the effectiveness of your Pinterest advertising strategy? Learn the most effective strategies inside our ultimate Guide to Marketing with Pinterest!

8 Ways to Get More Followers on Pinterest

The development of a loyal and solid base on any social media platform is an excellent idea.

However, as a platform that is primarily focused on search it isn’t easy to establish a following that is engaged without a well-planned strategy for Pinterest.

For you to get started to get started, we’re providing our top 8 ways to gain more followers and increase your sense of belonging that surrounds your business:

How to Get More Followers on Pinterest #1: Have a Clear Purpose

The first step in growing your followers to Pinterest is to ensure that your profile is clear about the value your company can provide to the community.

It must be immediately evident what kind of content you’re offering, as well as what people could gain by visiting your website.

A clear goal will make it easier for customers to sign up to follow your account since they

know precisely what they’re signing-up for — it’s an electronic version of your shopfront.

In order to make your shopfront as inviting and clear as you can, pay focus on these important areas:

Name of your profile: Include words that define your primary areas of focus.

Content for your profile It is your profile that is where your most recent content is stored,

so be sure you keep making original Pins to display your profile

Profile description: Summarize your purpose

Header of your profile: Choose the image, or video which visually reflects your themes for content

It’s equally important that you support your brand’s mission by using Pin designs.

Pinterest is a platform for visuals So making Pins with text overlays that are easy to read is a smart idea.

TIP: Are you running out of time? Make use of Later’s text editor in order to include

text into your Pins when you plan them. There are more than 10 formats and fonts to pick from.

Make a seamless workflow for your company by editing your photos with Later — which is available on all paid plans beginning at only $9/month!

How to Get More Followers on Pinterest #2: Optimize for Discovery

The best method of bringing more people into the Pinterest profile is to optimize your content to show up in the right results in search results.

Pinterest is mostly a visual search engine, so many people utilize the search toolbar to search for inspiration on the site.

How do you make sure that you are optimizing your search experience on Pinterest?

It is important to use relevant keywords and relevant descriptions and titles to your Pins

that are relevant to your company and product however, they must be aligned to what your intended customers are searching for.

This will make to ensure that your Pins display in those categories that are most pertinent!

How to Find Keywords to Boost Your Pinterest Following

What keywords should you consider including to increase the popularity of the Pinterest profile?

If you’re not sure it’s possible to find some ideas with Pinterest’s built-in keywords research tool.

When you type in any generic phrase using Pinterest’s Pinterest searching bar

you’ll be able to find a variety of keywords offered by Pinterest to help you narrow your search.

The recommended keywords are arranged by the popularity in search results

So take this into consideration when you decide on your keywords and hashtags to use for your Pins.

If, for instance, you don’t have a large number of fans, then it could be a good idea to choose

lesser popular search terms. There’s a good chance that you’ll be less competitive for these terms,

which means that you’ll be ranked higher in the results of a search.

Do you want to take it a step more? Pinterest Trends provides a historical overview of the most popular US,

UK, and Canada search terms and topics over the last 12 months. accessible to anyone looking

to know when people begin looking for different topics, and also what types of content are well-liked on Pinterest.

You can enjoy the first access to Pinterest Trends, and learn the details about its ability to assist businesses to improve their content strategy.

Although adding keywords might seem like an extra task, however, it’s one

of the most effective methods to increase visitors and followers to the account you have created on Pinterest. Pinterest account.

Once you’ve identified the top keywords for your company then you can begin to

optimize important fields to make them more visible on Pinterest:

#1: Make Your Profile Name Descriptive

You’re trying to educate your followers about your business as quickly as possible,

and adding some descriptive keywords to your profile’s name is a great method of doing this.

For example, on Later, we’ve put our profile name : Later: .

This is the reason Later’s worthiness immediately becomes apparent as well as providing an

added boost to discoverability since people searching on the internet for “marketing platform

for Instagram” will come across Later’s Pinterest account.

#2: Make Your Pin Titles Relevant to Your Content

Remember how we said that Pinterest is an online visual search engine? This is the place where it plays a role!

To draw more attention at your Pins In order to attract more eyes to your Pins, it is important to

provide as much detail as you possibly can in your Pin description and title copy.

This means that you should ensure that your description and title are as accurate as possible with regards to what you’re posting.

Begin by providing an easy, engaging headline to your name (up up to 100 characters)

Be sure to keep it pertinent to your Pin picture or the video. For instance “Easy No-bake Dinners” is more appealing than “Food.”

Beware of using the words “symbols” or “spaces” in your titles. For instance, a pin titled “Cookies”

is much better than the Pin or a board with the title C O O K I E S.

This will allow your Pins be included in your customers’ search results, expand your reach, and expand your network.

#3: Use Your Description to Add Extra, Relevant Information & Key Phrases

Alongside having optimized terms within your Pin titles Additionally, you must include keywords within the Pin descriptions.

In your description, you can make use of any number of characters however, we suggest

prioritizing what’s important to communicate within those initial 50- 60 characters.

These are likely to appear on feeds of people.

Similar to the description of your Pin title, you need to ensure that the Pin description is

in close alignment with that of the Pin photo or film.

The description copy, in turn, is more crucial than what the user sees —

it determines relevancy and also determines where content is displayed. Make sure you include key terms and brand names in this area, when appropriate.

TIP: Include a call-to-action on the Pin descriptions to encourage others to join you on your Pinterest profile.

#4: Optimize Your Pinterest Boards

Finally, it’s an excellent idea to improve the descriptions and titles for Pinterest boards. Pinterest boards.

This can increase the visibility of the Pins that are contained in each board.

It will improve the look of the Pinterest page more organized to visitors. This is an all-win situation!

Find out how to increase the number of pins you have on your highest level in this blog post.

Don’t forget to make plans, schedules and then publish to Pinterest without cost using Later!

How to Get More Followers on Pinterest #3: Add a Brand Logo to Your Pins

Pins are made to be shared across the globe and therefore adding a branding feature to your pins

ensures that they’re constantly advertising your company and bringing users back to your page.

Utilizing your logo as well as fonts and colors ensures that your Pins instantly identifiable whenever they are saved.

This is particularly valuable when it is paired with content that is easily sharing-friendly.

Pay attention to the way Whole Foods Market creates educational and shareworthy Pins with prominent branding:

The more people are aware of your brand’s name on Pins the more likely they will look up your profile and follow you.

How to Get More Followers on Pinterest #4: Share Your Brand Story

Being authentic and sharing the story of your business helps build a sense of community

across almost every social media platform and Pinterest is no exception.

From examining the history of your business to sharing different team members,

getting to know them personally will increase engagement, trust and followers for your company’s brand.

A great way to accomplish this is to make Pinterest boards that are specifically for sharing the story of your business.

For instance, Turmeric Teas has an “About Us” Pinterest board that provides lots of information about the company and its purpose:

Tip: Provide your company’s story boards a boost in increase in visibility by making them

prominent boards you have on the profile of your Pinterest profile!

How to Get More Followers on Pinterest #5: Understand Your Existing Audience

If you’re determined to increase your followers on Pinterest it’s a great idea to know

who you’re currently reaching and what content is most popular with people.

The best method to accomplish this is to jump in to your Pinterest Analytics.

With the help of a Pinterest Business account, you can gain valuable insights into your audience that span

from your entire viewers (all members who’ve viewed or interacted on one one of the Pins)

up to the active viewers (all members who have been engaged on one one of your Pins) in the last 30 days.

The Pinterest Audience Insights are great to show the demographics of your target audience like gender,

age as well as location. However, most importantly they show the most popular categories and topics for your target audience.

Use this valuable knowledge of the content that resonates with your current audience to help inform your new strategy for content.

ANALYTICS TIP: Are you looking for more information? Keep track of and analyze your

Pinterest increased over the last three months using Later. Simply check your Pinterest Analytics in the Later app!

How to Increase Fans to your Pinterest account Pinterest #6: Try out Videos for Pins

Video Pins are able to make a splash in search results, which makes them an excellent method to increase interactions, engagement, and users on Pinterest.

According to Pinterest the views of organic videos increase by 240% per year. They are especially popular for beauty, food diy, entertainment, and home decor!

For instance, this natural Video Pin by Ryderwear appears in the top 10 result pages in the search term “fitness clothes”:

ICYMI You can swiftly and easily schedule video content for Pinterest by using Later!

Choose the date and time you want to upload your video to Pinterest to be reviewed

(all videos have to have been approved by Pinterest) and the video will be live on the board you choose when it’s accepted.

Automate the publishing of Videos and schedule auto-publishing Pins with Later, available for all plans that are paid!

How to Get More Followers on Pinterest #7: Collaborate on Group Boards

Inviting influencers and brands to join forces in Group boards could be a great method to get more exposure and increase your followers on Pinterest.

Pinterest is an excellent platform to develop a community therefore it is logical to

have an area that is safe for your influencer group or your peer group to meet.

Find out the ways that Well+Good and creators of content Cupcakes and Cashmere work

together in the identical “Beauty” board, capitalizing on their shared values of the brand and the audience they serve.

This is a fantastic cross-promotion opportunity to connect with new and relevant fans and is the perfect base for creative brand partnerships as well.

How to Get More Followers on Pinterest #8: Invest in Pinterest Ads

If you have the right approach, Pinterest Ads can be massive for your brand’s followers to increase.

Pinterest Ads are among the most efficient ways to put your content noticed by the right people since they are displayed on relevant searches.

You can place Pinterest ads based on Click Here audience characteristics and interests as well as selecting keywords that are relevant which makes them a versatile and targeted tool for expanding your business.

When you invest in your Pinterest expansion strategy, you will be able to build an audience that is enthralled by your content, connects with your brand, and even purchases your merchandise.

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