Health and Fitness

Legitimate Massage Parlors in Seattle WA: How to Find Them

If you want to find the best massage parlor in Seattle WA, you’ve come to the right place. These days, there are so many different kinds of spas, salons and other types of massages that it can be hard to figure out which one is the best fit for you. Fortunately, we’ve put together this list of the best massage parlors Seattle WA to help point you in the right direction as you explore your options.

Look for Reviews

The best way to find a legitimate massage parlor is to look for reviews on the internet. You’ll want to research the reputation of the business and read testimonials from previous clients. It’s important that you feel safe and comfortable when visiting a massage parlor, so make sure it has good reviews. When reading reviews be mindful of what people are saying about the place, and if there are any recurring complaints. If a lot of people say that the masseuses aren’t professional or seem unprofessional, then this may not be your best option. 

If you don’t see any reviews on Yelp or other sites online, then call them up and ask what they’re like!

Avoid Spas That Don’t Require Appointments

If you’re looking for a legitimate massage parlor, there are a few ways you can tell they are not. If they offer appointments and it’s only take-in customers, that’s a good sign. They should also have reviews on sites like Yelp or Google Maps. It’s best to avoid spas that don’t require appointments because they could be fronts for prostitution. You can also see if the spa is listed on sites such as the International Association of Professional Aromatherapists. You should be wary of any online offers of discounted massages, as this may indicate a spa is not legitimate.

Find Out If The Massage Parlor Is Licensed

If you’re looking for a massage parlor that is legitimate and licensed, then you’ll need to take a few steps before making an appointment. First, look at their website. If they have a lot of text and no pictures, it’s unlikely that they are legitimate. Next, check the reviews on Yelp or Google. If they only have negative reviews or the business has been around less than five years, this may not be the right place for you.

Ask For Recommendations

I’m looking for a massage parlor that offers legitimate massages. Do you have any recommendations? I heard about this place, but it’s out of my price range. What other places are there? I just want to find a place where the masseuse doesn’t offer anything extra or charge more because of that. It’s not worth going if they’re trying to upsell me something else at the end. The whole point is to get a good, therapeutic massage so that I can relax and get back into work mode. Just let me know what you recommend!

Check If The Prices Are Reasonable

If you are looking for a legitimate massage parlor, it is important to find one with prices that are reasonable. This will allow you to know that the establishment is not just trying to take your money and offer nothing in return. Some massage parlors can charge up to $100 for a 30 minute session. That’s outrageous! The prices at reputable places are typically around $50 or less per session.

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