Moving with young children: 5 tips for a child-friendly move

Moving with children is sometimes a real job. Some children are excited and see the move as a brand-new adventure. Other children are creatures of habit that are strongly bound to their environment. For them, a move can leave a big impression. To ensure that every family member can experience a stress-free, efficient move, we have bundled our best tips in one article.
#1 Explore the neighborhood together
Did you tell me the exciting news? Good. Then it can be fun to plan a day out with the family. Explore the new house and the new environment with the children. This way, the children can prepare for the impending move and the new environment they will find themselves in. As soon as they have seen the house and the surroundings, most doubts and questions disappear like snow in the sun.
#2 Make a smart, logical schedule
Do you have little paddlers in your house? Then it is better to plan the move on a weekday when the children are at school. The moving day brings a lot of crowds and chaos, which means that an accident quickly happens. The most kid-friendly move for small children is when they are safe somewhere else. Better safe than sorry. Do you have teenagers running around the house? They definitely want to be part of the move. Then it is best to plan the move for a weekend or during a school holiday.
#3 Watch out for dangerous objects
Are the children present on the day of the move? Then make sure that someone keeps an extra eye on things. During a move, various dangerous objects are available to children. Just think of a chilled packaging box containing food or medicines, tools, sharp objects or cleaning products. Or maybe you’ve taken the extra safety of certain furniture pieces that allow them to tip over more quickly? An extra pair of eyes to keep an eye on your children during the moving day is an absolute must.
#4 Choose a ‘nursery.’
It is best to keep the children in a separate room during a move. Therefore, designate one of the rooms in the house as a children’s room. Put some of your children’s favorite toys in it that they can keep busy with. Make sure that you can quickly pack the toys in the children’s backpacks afterward. As a result, the children have their most precious toys close to them, and you can more easily keep an eye on them. A win-win for everyone.
This makes it easier for you to keep an eye on things.
#5 Let the children decorate
Have the furniture and moving boxes been transported from the old to the new home? Good, then it’s time to unpack. Take your child by the hand and start unpacking and decorating the nursery. Let your child help determine where his/her things get a place. This way, your son or daughter will feel comfortable in his/her new room immediately.
There you go; these were our 5 best tips for a child-friendly move. We wish you the best of luck on the big day. If you need any protective packaging material for packing your household, visit Britwrap.
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