In this post, I explain to you guys where I’ve been the last like four or five weeks of not loading posts so over the previous posts I filmed you guys may have seen that I was actually in Norway a really funny story but long story short I was actually supposed to be there for a quick break from medical school I passed like a tiny backpack to carry onto the plane. I was only supposed to be there for a four-day trip as a break for medical school but as soon as I landed in Norway coronavirus happened.
The UK and I am back in the UK now, and I’m I exciting my best friend the reason why I haven’t been uploading recently is because of all the kinds of traveling packing. I should be back to making regular posts for you guys this is my first post back to you guys in isolation I hope you guys enjoy your productive day studying with me and I hope you enjoyed it. The position so let’s go so during summer holidays and during lockdown usually wake up around 9:00 a.m. at this time. When in lockdown, I faced one problem when I was unable to make my assignment then I search to do my assignment for me and take expert assistance in my assignments.
Take showered In the morning:
I usually lay in bed for around 15 minutes or so, always starting my day off with a quick prayer of gratitude for the day and also having to think about things that I want to accomplish. The rest of the day at 9:15 then showered, got changed, and headed downstairs so 9:45 in the morning. I then started with a breakfast I had. The fruits and fiber cereal from algae because of health and student budget in that I also tried out the new call of duty war zone season 4 which I have to say is absolutely fantastic I had my gamer tag if you’d like to play together.
I quite liked starting off the morning. When I’m not in uni do something quite fun like watching. Post posts, or sometimes you can play a game just give me some energy and excitement to start. The rest of the day so after around 45 minutes of eating breakfast and being the waste man I then began cleaning up. The kitchen the last couple weeks I’ve been working on the dining table in my kitchen with my usual University setup. They used to have in my university room. I find it hard to work in an environment that isn’t clean and organized so I like to start my day off for me then take hnc assignment help from the experts of the UK.
Recent medical advances:
I get to keep up to date with recent medical advances and also keep up to date with medicine before moving on to my fourth year of medical school in August. I really need to make sure that my brain doesn’t turn into a sponge over the next couple of months of summer in order to watch this lecture I was using Microsoft teams for this on the ride to have the lecture up on Google Chrome and on. On the Left I had it open Evernote’s which I was using to write to my notes.
I’m so tired and bored working so I decided to catch up with a friend over FaceTime and also play some Call of Duty with him I’m recording a day-in-the-life bro he’s also in medical school, so I didn’t actually feel that bad for procrastinating a little bit together. I think it’s really important if you’re not in uni do not feel bad about taking a break I’m here and there even if it’s to do something as silly as playing games of course when I have exams coming up in med school. I definitely wouldn’t have time to do this like in my last med school finals post it was straight revision all day long but otherwise don’t beat yourself up about it, especially during a pandemic.
Expectations on productivity in a Day:
The exact expectations on productivity that I did when I was in term time during lockdown if I can say to myself if I accomplish, you know, one huge thing every single day, I would honestly be happy about that, so if I may be improving relationships or workout or do you learn to work my research paper if I can establish and do one big thing every single day and you know not revising 12 hours straight I will generally be happy with that day from 5 6 p.m. I then went back to editing my Post post you may notice that every hour I tend to do something different, and I think it’s really important for me because I tend to get quite bored very quickly so switching things up during.
The day every now and again really does help to keep things up it’s exciting, so at 6 p.m., after sitting down all day, I then decided there was finally time to workouts, although it is pretty hard to find. The motivation to work out without a gym I’ve been trying to work out a couple of times a week by using resistance bands. It’s been nice and warm recently, so I’ve been working out outside, which is an excellent way to ensure that I get that daily my vitamin D and that I’ve personally been using hitch circuits for my workout since I don’t have access to any weights and if you’d like to check out what I do for my activities. I leave it somewhere on the screen, and 7:00 p.m.
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