
Jole Figliomeni- A Prominent Business Entrepreneur From Italy

Jole Figliomeni has had a successful career in project management, business development, and consulting. She was co-founder of Africa Consultants before founding M.A S Business Solutions with the goal to support growth for private and public sector companies across countries all over the world; this includes Italy, where she lives!

  • Please, tell us something about your background? 

  My name is Jole, and I’m the co-founder of Africa Consultants & founder of MAS Business Solutions. I have over ten years of experience in project management, business development, and consulting. 

  • How do you overcome the challenges that you come across on an everyday basis? 

The things I learn in my entrepreneurial journey help me become stronger and more resilient, so when life’s obstacles come at me, they don’t fear me anymore. I had the opportunity to learn how different aspects of running a business can impact my day-to-day life. This experience help me become more confident, even when everything was against me. 

  • Would you share something about your non-profit organization GLAM-UR 6 Onlus? 

The non-profit organization G.LAM – UR 6 Onlus has work to promote and implement social initiatives in order to raise funds or provide scholarships from an economic point of view, giving hope where there was none before with the aim of supporting communities around us. We do so by working hard on various projects such as creating jobs through business investments; developing markets that address local needs while also generating greater income opportunities within these areas, and improving education systems allowing more people access higher quality learning. 

  • When did you lay the foundation of GLAM-UR 6 Onlus? 

G.L.A.M.-UR 6 Onlus was founded in September of 2006, and since then the organization has been working hard to provide assistance to individuals & corporate entrepreneurs. It only became officially register in March 2007. We have been very active in raising money through events. I’m happy that we’ve made such progress towards our ultimate objective. 

  • What are the activities undertaken by GLAM-UR-6 Onlus since its inception? 

In our first project, we manage to raise around 10k euros for 15 families in need. We distribute the money among the disadvantage families of Siderno. The second project we carrie out was relate to promoting our cultural heritage. And this time around, it was not just about collecting trash or doing yard work for people who need help–we use POR funds in collaboration with some municipalities near us! 

  • What was the aim of the L.O.V.E project? 

The aim of this project is to foster cultural exchange between young and old generations by bridging the gap with music. The L O V E (Locride Vocal Ensemble) was create as a way for people from different walks of life experiences can come together through song, making new friends while they’re at it.

  • What activities do you plan to promote cultural exchange between generations? 

The group has plan a number of activities to accomplish these goals. Every week, they will be attending technical training sessions in which their vocal and musical skills. Improve through workshops on technique-relate topics such as harmony or composition techniques. For example; there’s also an option of having dinner at local restaurants each month with other participants. In order that they may get acquainte with the place and each other as well produce contentment within themselves. By experiencing new things together while preserving all traditions of local culture through our project. 

We are grateful to Jole for sharing her insights with us. It’s been a pleasure talking with you, and we hope that you continue working hard. I really appreciate hearing from someone who has such strong opinions! 


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